Towards the Worldwide
Advancement of
Medical Physics


The IOMP welcomes you to the World Congress Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering 2012 in Beijing.

Thank you very much to our hosts!


Fridtjof Nuesslin
President IOMP 2009-2012
Munich, April 2012
This update brochure informs you briefly about some achievements of the IOMP during the last period and what we hope to achieve within the next few years. Since we started at WC2009 in Munich we tried to move in three fields, developing closer relations to the WHO, IAEA and ILO, strengthening medical physics in the developing countries and improving the interaction with all members and partner organizations in health care including industry via a new web based forum.

I just want to mention very few highlights of this period, e.g. a long time vision was realized, the classification of medical physicists by the ILO, i.e. medical physicists are now recognized as health professionals worldwide. Other actions have been a memorandum of understanding with the WHO, cooperation with the IAEA in issuing the new Basic Safety Standard, partnership in the AGaRT program dedicated to cancer treatment instrumen-tation in developing countries and involvement in developing standards for medical physics training. Numerous actions addressed the acuteness of promoting medical physics in the developing countries. The ambitious task of a new more intercommunicative website requires decisions of the incoming team. Other ambitious issues will be the improvement of our economic situation to make the IOMP more powerful in pursuing our mission particularly in developing countries. This should be part of a new strategic plan covered by an update of our Review & Way Forward 2009-2012 document. We also have to find reasonable answers how to optimize the operative business of the IOMP with its efficacy being limited by the volunteer status of all Executive Committee members.

I wish the new Council and my successor Kin Yin Cheung with his new team good luck on the way towards the worldwide advancement of medical physics.