EMITEL new languages and
November 2008
The Web software of EMITEL was updated by AM studio to handle the large database through SQL. Additionally it was tested for work with other characters (especially Chinese). An enlarged final Consortium meeting was planned to be held in London and respectively request for project extension was filed with the EU Leonardo Programme. The Final Consortium meeting will include also representatives from other related professions aiming at further dissemination of EMITEL
EMITEL European/International Conference
October 2008
An European/International Conference EMITEL was held in the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy 23-26 October 2008). The Conference was attended by invited delegates (experts) from 22 countries, who formed a Network aimed at the future expansion and update of the EMITEL Encyclopaedia. The Conference delegates (on the photo) included the IOMP President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Chair of ETC, Chair of AHC, IFMBE Secretary General, IUPESM Secretary General, EFOMP President-elect and many distinguished colleagues from Europe. The opinion of all delegates to the Conference was that the project will be an extremely useful tool for the profession.
EMITEL testing and New EMITEL partner
September 2008
Testing of the ready EMITEL articles has been completed by a group of students. All were very positive and think the product will be of very high value for their training and education. The results from the testing will be reported at the EMITEL Conference during October 2008. In future the student contributors will be associated with the EMITEL Network and continue to collaborate in the Encyclopedia team.
ICTP, the largest international institution in Physics with extended training programme joined EMITEL as a Silent partner. ICTP (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics) operates under the auspices of UNESCO and the IAEA.
Refereeing process
Aug 2008
EMITEL Refereeing process goes in parallel in all 6 Work groups and a substantial percentage of the articles had been refereed. In general the renowned referees agree with most of the concepts and articles and support EMITEL as one of the important tools for education and training. Special web site login and passwords were set up for the large group of EMITEL contributors.
New Languages in the Dictionary
July 2008
The EMITEL Dictionary was updated with the new languages: Greek, Czech and Latvian. Special gratitude is expressed to all colleagues who contribute their languages to the database. Currently the Dictionary is used by some 2000 colleagues per month.
EMITEL Dissemination
June 2008
Following the presentation of EMITEL at the ICMP in Dubai (the International Conference on Medical Physics, April 2008), the project was presented at the 14th European Nordic Baltic Conference on Medical Engineering and Physics in Riga (June 2008). EMITEL will also feature at the AAPM Conference in the USA (July 2008).
EMITEL 4th Consortium meeting
May 2008
The 4th Consortium meeting of EMITEL was hosted by King’s College London and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. It concentrated on the progress of the working groups and the refereeing process. Deadlines were agreed aiming to complete most major articles by the Conference in ICTP. The new web site was discussed and fully agreed.
The volume of the Encyclopaedia has passed its first half. A further expansion of the contributors was agreed aiming at keeping the project deadlines. The meeting also discussed the Conference arrangements and the system of work inside the Groups.
EMITEL Network Administrator. Web site launch
April 2008
An EMITEL Network Administrator was appointed to the project at KCL (Dept. MEP), who will liaise between the Consortium members and Referees. The new Web site with two search engines was launched for internal use of the contributors. The web site will be officially opened for public use at the WC2009. EMITEL project was presented at the
EMITEL Referees
March 2008
EMITEL was enlarged with some 40 External Referees – experts in their areas. As EMITEL Contributors the Referees work in specific Work Groups. A system for refereeing and a Guide for the Referees was agreed and sent out. All EMITEL Contributors will form a Network, which will care for the future updates. The Referees and all EMITEL members will meet at the Conference in ICTP Trieste (October 2008).
EMITEL further dissemination
February 2008
EMITEL was presented at the King's College Hospital Conference. Abstracts for EMITEL were submitted to the International Medical Physics Conference in Asia (Dubai, April, 2008) and to the European Conference for Biomedical Engineering (Riga, June 2008).
AM studio completed the EMITEL encyclopaedia web site and its alpha testing was initiated.
EMITEL new terms added to the database
January 2008
Work began on the EMITEL web site with two search engines. Initial tests were made to its parts. It is expected the web site to be functional during March.
TTwo new members joined EMITEL and additional admin support was arranged for the project management. A paper about e-learning and EMITEL was accepted for publication in the Journal Biomedical Imaging.
EMITEL new terms added to the database
December 2007
Some 500 new terms were included into the new database of terms. This way the terms were increased with approx. 15%. The project has prepared so far 1200 new articles.br>
TThe Dictionary cross translates flawlessly between any of its 15 languages. A statistics made for the use of the Dictionary revealed that during the last several months it is used by an average of 2000 colleagues per month.
EMITEL 3rd Consortium meeting
November 2007
The 3rd Consortium meeting of EMITEL was hosted by the University of Florence. It concentrated on the current progress of the working groups and agreement for the Web site of the Encyclopaedia. It was agreed for the new web site to be active during March 2008. A new we domain was purchased for this - emitel2.eu. br>
TThe meeting also discussed the inclusion of the new terms to the database and it was agreed for these to be added with new numbers in order to avoid problems with the translations in the Dictionary. The use of CMS was seen as smooth after the introduction of timetable for uploads.
EMITEL Authoring Agreement
October 2007
An Authoring Agreement was made between all Consortium members and King's College London. As in the previous projects the agreement recognises the input from the authors as per the project documents. br>
TThe second phase of the project was initiated with the development of the web database of terms and languages. Several new members joined the seven working groups of the Consortium. A timetable for uploads to the CMS was made to avoid clashes between the groups and the server.
EMITEL new Authors Guide and print phase
September 2007
A new version of the EMITEL Authors Guide was prepared and distributed to all project members. Also preliminary discussions were held with a commercial publisher for the period after the end of the project. It was agreed that the project results will benefit by an additional paper form, additionally to the free EMITEL web site. The discussions were seen very positively from both sides.br>
TThe project competed its 1st phase and an Interim Report was prepared for the EU Leonardo.
EMITEL Conference discussion and dates
August 2007
Discussions were held at the ICTP Trieste for the organisation of the European Conference EMITEL during 2008. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) was the venue for the EMERALD and EMIT Conference and its Directorate was very supportive for hosting the new Conference.br>
TThe dates for the Conference were agreed as 23-27 October 2008.
EMITEL articles increase and CMS full use
July 2007
Following the approval of the Leonardo Programme for increase the number of languages in the Dictionary (including non-EU languages) and the full use of the CMS, an increased expansion of the number of articles was observed.br>
The total number of completed articles reached 600, including approx. 1200 files (accompanying imaging, diagrams, examples, etc). It is expected this number to double by November 2007. During this expansion the CMS system was used successfully from 6 countries.
EEMITEL was presented at the UK seminar of Leonardo project in Birmingham.
EMITEL Dissemination activities
June 2007
The outline of the EMITEL project was presented at the International Conference MEDICON 2007 in Ljblijana, Slovenia as an invited activity by the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP). The project attracted special attention and a number of new languages were agreed for inclusion into the Dictionary.br>
AA number of new dissemination activities were planed, including a large International Workshop (after the end of the project) during WC2009 in Munich, Germany. This activity will be coordinated by the IOMP.
EMITEL Euro Symposium in Lund
May 2007
A special Symposium was held in Lund, Sweden (11-12 May 2007). The Symposium had two parts - common part and work groups meetings. The meetings followed a common structure: Discussing the stile of the ready articles; Selecting the first group of articles to be ready by November 2007; Selecting sub-themes of articles for each Group to allow easy article writing; Discussing new terms and cross-terms between Groups; Planning the workload and future dissemination; Selecting internal Group structures.br>
TThe colleagues attending the Symposium expressed their positive feedback from the meeting and assured all that more colleagues will be happy to join EMITEL as contributors/referees.
EMITEL Dictionary with new languages
April 2007
The development of the e-Dictionary included the use of new alphabets. Following this 5 new languages were added to the Dictionary: Estonian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Turkish, Arabic. br>
We express special gratitude to AM Studio and all translators who supported this activity. All these colleagues are listed in the CREDITS of the Dictionary at: www.emitdictionary.co.uk
TThe free translation and use of the Dictionary will be of great benefit for the development of our profession. EMITEL Consortium will ask the permission of Leonardo Programme for further enlargement of this Dictionary.
EMITEL update and CMS Guide
March 2007
A number of renowned experts decided to take part in the EMITEL project and the completed EMITEL articles increased to 200.
IIt is expected the CMS development and its use to be approved by the Consortium and the Leonardo Programme during the meeting in Lund (May 2007). Following this the CMS will be uploaded for general use. This system will facilitate the future update of the EMITEL material. To facilitate the future use of the CMS a new Guide was drafted for the use of the system.
EMITEL Guide for Authors and Euro Symposium in Lund
February 2007
A Guide for Authors was prepared to facilitate the development of the articles in EMITEL. It includes two parts – one related to text formatting and one related to CMS use. The Guide includes also samples and template. br>
After the successful completion of the CMS beta testing the first articles were uploaded to the web site. In line with this a system is in development to allow flexible incorporation of new EMITEL contributors. Please contact the project Coordinator for access to the Guide.
The EMITEL Euro Symposium and Consortium meeting was announced for May 2007 in Lund, Sweden.
IIOMP distributed information about EMITEL to all senior officers of the organisation.
EMITEL CMS developed and Web Dictionary tested
January 2007
AM Studio completed the development of own CMS (Content Management System) for upload materials on Internet. The system is uploaded and beta tested at the moment. It aims to begin collecting materials during February 2007.br>
The Web Dictionary test was successfully completed. Its new Search Engine allows use of various alphabets. The Dictionary launch was also tested with access from various countries. The first new translations have arrived and their update to the overall dictionary is planned for end of February 2007.
AA paper for EMITEL (work in progress) was submitted to the MEDICON 2007 (The Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing).
EMITEL Web site and Web Dictionary
December 2006
A new domain was secured for the EMITEL – www.emerald2.eu br>
This domain name will be linked to the previous projects EMERALD and EMIT, this way providing one-stop web point for information. The new web site will be hosted by a new Internet provider to allow web database functions.
TThe first uses of the database functions were made by an original Web Dictionary, cross translating between any two of all its languages (developed by AM Studio). The intensive beta testing of the Dictionary is planned for January/February 2007. Arrival of new translation is expected at the same time
EMITEL First Consortium meeting
November 2006
The first Consortium meeting of all partners took place in Dept. Medical Engineering and Physics, King’s College London and King’s College Hospital. This meeting had 2 parts – Working in Groups (in 7 Working Groups) and Consortium meeting. The separate works in groups was using the pre-prepared draft terms distribution to further specify the terms distribution in groups, aiming to begin writing of the first sections of EMITEL articles. These activities took place mainly on 10 November with some additional meetings on 11 Nov evening and 12 Nov morning. The pre-preparatory work for these activities (software development and terms distribution - made by KCL and AM Studio) took place one week before the meeting.
The Consortium meeting on 11 Nov decided on the format of the EMITEL articles and the working plan. It was agreed for adding an extra part to the software – a comprehensive CMS web system to upload materials directly on Internet. AM Studio will take this extra task. The aim of this activity was to develop at an early stage a system to allow future update of EMITEL (sustaining it after the end of the project).
IIt was also decided for an early start of the Dictionary update. The Coordinator has already agreed with national group beginning of translation this month.
EMITEL at WC2006, Seoul
September 2006
Project EMITEL was officially announced at the Medical Physics Education and Training Workshop, satellite to the World Congress in Medical Physics. IOMP also included it in its special Newsletter distributed to all 2500 delegates to the Congress. Strong interest was expressed by all colleagues and inclusion of more languages was demanded by delegates from outside the EU. At its first meeting the Consortium will address this issue aiming to include as much as possible languages. AM Studio is currently working on expanding the search engine to include other alphabets. EMITEL Consortium encourages the Professional Societies sending their term translations to discuss them internally before submission. For requests of the master translation file, please contact the Project Coordinator.br>
November 2008
The Web software of EMITEL was updated by AM studio to handle the large database through SQL. Additionally it was tested for work with other characters (especially Chinese). An enlarged final Consortium meeting was planned to be held in London and respectively request for project extension was filed with the EU Leonardo Programme. The Final Consortium meeting will include also representatives from other related professions aiming at further dissemination of EMITEL
EMITEL European/International Conference
October 2008
An European/International Conference EMITEL was held in the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy 23-26 October 2008). The Conference was attended by invited delegates (experts) from 22 countries, who formed a Network aimed at the future expansion and update of the EMITEL Encyclopaedia. The Conference delegates (on the photo) included the IOMP President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Chair of ETC, Chair of AHC, IFMBE Secretary General, IUPESM Secretary General, EFOMP President-elect and many distinguished colleagues from Europe. The opinion of all delegates to the Conference was that the project will be an extremely useful tool for the profession.

EMITEL testing and New EMITEL partner
September 2008
Testing of the ready EMITEL articles has been completed by a group of students. All were very positive and think the product will be of very high value for their training and education. The results from the testing will be reported at the EMITEL Conference during October 2008. In future the student contributors will be associated with the EMITEL Network and continue to collaborate in the Encyclopedia team.
ICTP, the largest international institution in Physics with extended training programme joined EMITEL as a Silent partner. ICTP (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics) operates under the auspices of UNESCO and the IAEA.
Refereeing process
Aug 2008
EMITEL Refereeing process goes in parallel in all 6 Work groups and a substantial percentage of the articles had been refereed. In general the renowned referees agree with most of the concepts and articles and support EMITEL as one of the important tools for education and training. Special web site login and passwords were set up for the large group of EMITEL contributors.
New Languages in the Dictionary
July 2008
The EMITEL Dictionary was updated with the new languages: Greek, Czech and Latvian. Special gratitude is expressed to all colleagues who contribute their languages to the database. Currently the Dictionary is used by some 2000 colleagues per month.
EMITEL Dissemination
June 2008
Following the presentation of EMITEL at the ICMP in Dubai (the International Conference on Medical Physics, April 2008), the project was presented at the 14th European Nordic Baltic Conference on Medical Engineering and Physics in Riga (June 2008). EMITEL will also feature at the AAPM Conference in the USA (July 2008).
EMITEL 4th Consortium meeting
May 2008
The 4th Consortium meeting of EMITEL was hosted by King’s College London and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. It concentrated on the progress of the working groups and the refereeing process. Deadlines were agreed aiming to complete most major articles by the Conference in ICTP. The new web site was discussed and fully agreed.
The volume of the Encyclopaedia has passed its first half. A further expansion of the contributors was agreed aiming at keeping the project deadlines. The meeting also discussed the Conference arrangements and the system of work inside the Groups.

EMITEL Network Administrator. Web site launch
April 2008
An EMITEL Network Administrator was appointed to the project at KCL (Dept. MEP), who will liaise between the Consortium members and Referees. The new Web site with two search engines was launched for internal use of the contributors. The web site will be officially opened for public use at the WC2009. EMITEL project was presented at the
EMITEL Referees
March 2008
EMITEL was enlarged with some 40 External Referees – experts in their areas. As EMITEL Contributors the Referees work in specific Work Groups. A system for refereeing and a Guide for the Referees was agreed and sent out. All EMITEL Contributors will form a Network, which will care for the future updates. The Referees and all EMITEL members will meet at the Conference in ICTP Trieste (October 2008).
EMITEL further dissemination
February 2008
EMITEL was presented at the King's College Hospital Conference. Abstracts for EMITEL were submitted to the International Medical Physics Conference in Asia (Dubai, April, 2008) and to the European Conference for Biomedical Engineering (Riga, June 2008).
AM studio completed the EMITEL encyclopaedia web site and its alpha testing was initiated.
EMITEL new terms added to the database
January 2008
Work began on the EMITEL web site with two search engines. Initial tests were made to its parts. It is expected the web site to be functional during March.
TTwo new members joined EMITEL and additional admin support was arranged for the project management. A paper about e-learning and EMITEL was accepted for publication in the Journal Biomedical Imaging.
EMITEL new terms added to the database
December 2007
Some 500 new terms were included into the new database of terms. This way the terms were increased with approx. 15%. The project has prepared so far 1200 new articles.br>
TThe Dictionary cross translates flawlessly between any of its 15 languages. A statistics made for the use of the Dictionary revealed that during the last several months it is used by an average of 2000 colleagues per month.
EMITEL 3rd Consortium meeting
November 2007
The 3rd Consortium meeting of EMITEL was hosted by the University of Florence. It concentrated on the current progress of the working groups and agreement for the Web site of the Encyclopaedia. It was agreed for the new web site to be active during March 2008. A new we domain was purchased for this - emitel2.eu. br>
TThe meeting also discussed the inclusion of the new terms to the database and it was agreed for these to be added with new numbers in order to avoid problems with the translations in the Dictionary. The use of CMS was seen as smooth after the introduction of timetable for uploads.
EMITEL Authoring Agreement
October 2007
An Authoring Agreement was made between all Consortium members and King's College London. As in the previous projects the agreement recognises the input from the authors as per the project documents. br>
TThe second phase of the project was initiated with the development of the web database of terms and languages. Several new members joined the seven working groups of the Consortium. A timetable for uploads to the CMS was made to avoid clashes between the groups and the server.
EMITEL new Authors Guide and print phase
September 2007
A new version of the EMITEL Authors Guide was prepared and distributed to all project members. Also preliminary discussions were held with a commercial publisher for the period after the end of the project. It was agreed that the project results will benefit by an additional paper form, additionally to the free EMITEL web site. The discussions were seen very positively from both sides.br>
TThe project competed its 1st phase and an Interim Report was prepared for the EU Leonardo.
EMITEL Conference discussion and dates
August 2007
Discussions were held at the ICTP Trieste for the organisation of the European Conference EMITEL during 2008. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) was the venue for the EMERALD and EMIT Conference and its Directorate was very supportive for hosting the new Conference.br>
TThe dates for the Conference were agreed as 23-27 October 2008.

EMITEL articles increase and CMS full use
July 2007
Following the approval of the Leonardo Programme for increase the number of languages in the Dictionary (including non-EU languages) and the full use of the CMS, an increased expansion of the number of articles was observed.br>
The total number of completed articles reached 600, including approx. 1200 files (accompanying imaging, diagrams, examples, etc). It is expected this number to double by November 2007. During this expansion the CMS system was used successfully from 6 countries.
EEMITEL was presented at the UK seminar of Leonardo project in Birmingham.
EMITEL Dissemination activities
June 2007
The outline of the EMITEL project was presented at the International Conference MEDICON 2007 in Ljblijana, Slovenia as an invited activity by the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP). The project attracted special attention and a number of new languages were agreed for inclusion into the Dictionary.br>
AA number of new dissemination activities were planed, including a large International Workshop (after the end of the project) during WC2009 in Munich, Germany. This activity will be coordinated by the IOMP.
EMITEL Euro Symposium in Lund
May 2007
A special Symposium was held in Lund, Sweden (11-12 May 2007). The Symposium had two parts - common part and work groups meetings. The meetings followed a common structure: Discussing the stile of the ready articles; Selecting the first group of articles to be ready by November 2007; Selecting sub-themes of articles for each Group to allow easy article writing; Discussing new terms and cross-terms between Groups; Planning the workload and future dissemination; Selecting internal Group structures.br>
TThe colleagues attending the Symposium expressed their positive feedback from the meeting and assured all that more colleagues will be happy to join EMITEL as contributors/referees.

EMITEL Dictionary with new languages
April 2007
The development of the e-Dictionary included the use of new alphabets. Following this 5 new languages were added to the Dictionary: Estonian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Turkish, Arabic. br>
We express special gratitude to AM Studio and all translators who supported this activity. All these colleagues are listed in the CREDITS of the Dictionary at: www.emitdictionary.co.uk
TThe free translation and use of the Dictionary will be of great benefit for the development of our profession. EMITEL Consortium will ask the permission of Leonardo Programme for further enlargement of this Dictionary.
EMITEL update and CMS Guide
March 2007
A number of renowned experts decided to take part in the EMITEL project and the completed EMITEL articles increased to 200.
IIt is expected the CMS development and its use to be approved by the Consortium and the Leonardo Programme during the meeting in Lund (May 2007). Following this the CMS will be uploaded for general use. This system will facilitate the future update of the EMITEL material. To facilitate the future use of the CMS a new Guide was drafted for the use of the system.
EMITEL Guide for Authors and Euro Symposium in Lund
February 2007
A Guide for Authors was prepared to facilitate the development of the articles in EMITEL. It includes two parts – one related to text formatting and one related to CMS use. The Guide includes also samples and template. br>
After the successful completion of the CMS beta testing the first articles were uploaded to the web site. In line with this a system is in development to allow flexible incorporation of new EMITEL contributors. Please contact the project Coordinator for access to the Guide.
The EMITEL Euro Symposium and Consortium meeting was announced for May 2007 in Lund, Sweden.
IIOMP distributed information about EMITEL to all senior officers of the organisation.
EMITEL CMS developed and Web Dictionary tested
January 2007
AM Studio completed the development of own CMS (Content Management System) for upload materials on Internet. The system is uploaded and beta tested at the moment. It aims to begin collecting materials during February 2007.br>
The Web Dictionary test was successfully completed. Its new Search Engine allows use of various alphabets. The Dictionary launch was also tested with access from various countries. The first new translations have arrived and their update to the overall dictionary is planned for end of February 2007.
AA paper for EMITEL (work in progress) was submitted to the MEDICON 2007 (The Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing).
EMITEL Web site and Web Dictionary
December 2006
A new domain was secured for the EMITEL – www.emerald2.eu br>
This domain name will be linked to the previous projects EMERALD and EMIT, this way providing one-stop web point for information. The new web site will be hosted by a new Internet provider to allow web database functions.
TThe first uses of the database functions were made by an original Web Dictionary, cross translating between any two of all its languages (developed by AM Studio). The intensive beta testing of the Dictionary is planned for January/February 2007. Arrival of new translation is expected at the same time

EMITEL First Consortium meeting
November 2006
The first Consortium meeting of all partners took place in Dept. Medical Engineering and Physics, King’s College London and King’s College Hospital. This meeting had 2 parts – Working in Groups (in 7 Working Groups) and Consortium meeting. The separate works in groups was using the pre-prepared draft terms distribution to further specify the terms distribution in groups, aiming to begin writing of the first sections of EMITEL articles. These activities took place mainly on 10 November with some additional meetings on 11 Nov evening and 12 Nov morning. The pre-preparatory work for these activities (software development and terms distribution - made by KCL and AM Studio) took place one week before the meeting.
The Consortium meeting on 11 Nov decided on the format of the EMITEL articles and the working plan. It was agreed for adding an extra part to the software – a comprehensive CMS web system to upload materials directly on Internet. AM Studio will take this extra task. The aim of this activity was to develop at an early stage a system to allow future update of EMITEL (sustaining it after the end of the project).
IIt was also decided for an early start of the Dictionary update. The Coordinator has already agreed with national group beginning of translation this month.
EMITEL at WC2006, Seoul
September 2006
Project EMITEL was officially announced at the Medical Physics Education and Training Workshop, satellite to the World Congress in Medical Physics. IOMP also included it in its special Newsletter distributed to all 2500 delegates to the Congress. Strong interest was expressed by all colleagues and inclusion of more languages was demanded by delegates from outside the EU. At its first meeting the Consortium will address this issue aiming to include as much as possible languages. AM Studio is currently working on expanding the search engine to include other alphabets. EMITEL Consortium encourages the Professional Societies sending their term translations to discuss them internally before submission. For requests of the master translation file, please contact the Project Coordinator.br>