
EMITEL is now available for free use on internet

EMITEL new languages and extension
EMITEL European/International Conference

European Medical Imaging Technology e-Encyclopaedia for Lifelong Learning (EMITEL) is an international project which developed the first e-Ecyclopaedia of Medical Physics with Multilingual Dictionary of terms. This is the largest international project in Medical Physics, including more than 300 specialists from 36 countries. EMIT Project
EMITEL is the first
e-Ecyclopaedia of Medical Physics. This
e-Learning-type tool includes a large
searchable Web database and a Medical
Physics Thesaurus with multilingual
Digital Dictionary of Terms. Each term
is translated to 29 languages and the
Dictionary cross-translates between any
two languages. The e-Ecyclopaedia
includes explanatory articles (in
English) for each term. The total number
of terms in English is approximately
3300. The overall volume of EMITEL is c.
2200 pages (with more than 2000 images
and diagrams).