The Pioneering of e-Learning
in Medical Physics
S. Tabakov, V.Tabakova, 2015, ISBN 978-0-9552108-4-6
The e-book Pioneering of e-Learning in Medical Physics (The development of e-Books, Image Databases, Dictionary and Encyclopaedia) describes a chronology of 7 international projects (1994-2014) which are among the first to develop and introduce original e-learning in the teaching process.
The described EU-funded projects, developed before the existence of the terms e-learning and e-books, created some of the world’s first ISBN-numbered electronic Image Databases (on CD-ROM) and e-books. The projects also developed the first Medical Physics Multilingual Dictionary of Terms (in 29 languages) and a professional Encyclopaedia - both supported by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) and currently used by thousands of specialists worldwide through the web portal:
The book shows the development of the ideas/concepts; their implementation into practice (in medical physics); the challenges and successes of the international project team. The book also includes description of the methodology used by the team to develop Multilingual Dictionary and develop/organise an Encyclopaedia.
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S. Tabakov, V.Tabakova, 2015, ISBN 978-0-9552108-4-6
The e-book Pioneering of e-Learning in Medical Physics (The development of e-Books, Image Databases, Dictionary and Encyclopaedia) describes a chronology of 7 international projects (1994-2014) which are among the first to develop and introduce original e-learning in the teaching process.
The described EU-funded projects, developed before the existence of the terms e-learning and e-books, created some of the world’s first ISBN-numbered electronic Image Databases (on CD-ROM) and e-books. The projects also developed the first Medical Physics Multilingual Dictionary of Terms (in 29 languages) and a professional Encyclopaedia - both supported by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) and currently used by thousands of specialists worldwide through the web portal:
The book shows the development of the ideas/concepts; their implementation into practice (in medical physics); the challenges and successes of the international project team. The book also includes description of the methodology used by the team to develop Multilingual Dictionary and develop/organise an Encyclopaedia.
Click to open the e-book - Standard Resolution (9 MB)
Click to open the e-book - High Resolution (33 MB)
Click to open the e-book in Bulgarian Language